International development organizations, global research institutions, international businesses
- Save time and money searching for potential partners, subcontractors and consultants
- Quickly search by location, sector, technical skills and other key parameters
- Vital selection information can be added by local organizations and consultants
- Find reliable partners, subcontractors and consultants and ensure quality of work
- View ratings and reviews by other organizations that have previously worked with potential candidates
- Limit sole-sourced contracts by finding additional candidates
- Identify capacity strengthening needs and likely bottlenecks right from the beginning
- Prior ratings and reviews enable users to plan solutions before problems arise
- Information added by organizations and consultants can help identify potential capacity strengthening specific to your needs
- Motivate partners, subcontractors and consultants
- Positive reviews can lead to future contracts, a highly motivating factor
- Improve performance and outcomes
- Collaborating and contracting with the best possible partners and consultants equals positive results
Field/local organizations and consultants
- Increase your visibility
- International and local contractors will find you quickly and easily
- Never miss a contract due to internet access
- Post critical information used in the selection process directly to our website
- Grow your organization and increase contracts
- Positive ratings and reviews about your prior work increase your chances for future contracts
- Find local consultants and future employees on the website
- Improve applications and win contracts
- Ask past and current partners, contractors and employers to rate and review you
- Refer to or provide links to positive reviews in contract applications
- Learn how to improve your organization/work
- Feedback in posted reviews enables you to see where improvements are needed and respond to reviewer comments. Reviewers can also update reviews when they see improvements